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RITIKA FLOW is a Master Sattva teacher, Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer and a lifelong student of the ancient Tantric practices, including breath work and kriya.


No matter the circumstances, the trauma endured, the story of one’s life, Ritika can teach you to embody these teachings to shift your energy and employ your life force to awaken to the highest potential of your life.


Sattva yoga and philosophies harmonise all aspects of life to no longer compartmentalise as social life, personal life, and work-life. There is one life and one way of living that reflects the true essence of who you are. Through Ritika’s work, she equips her students to bring abundance and joy to their everyday lives and the confidence to live their most authentic life.


Ritika’s work is perfect for you if you want to tap into the divine feminine and goddess elements of creativity, energy and abundance - yes, men, even you have more juice for life, more beauty and more lusciousness - spirituality doesn’t need to be uncomfortable or feel like a chore.


Fill your life with spirit and meaning so you can surrender into your flow. Learn practices that have a very quick, visceral impact access a deep state of stillness so your own inner wisdom can guide you. Most importantly, be spiritually independent and not dependent on a “guru” - the practices ARE the teachings.


As you practice, the teachings unfold for you.


 All sessions can be completed in person or online. 



"Journeying with Ritka came at the perfect time for me. I moved through a range of emotions, and psychosomatic shifts.


The first new days of our recent journey really challenged me. I felt aggravated, troubled, indecisive, lost and from day 4 onwards everything seemed to ease.

I found a new rhythm, a sense of more joy and contentment. I found confidence and peace."


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